Sunday, January 12, 2020

Public Speaking

Public Speaking Vocabulary Learning Strategies There are numerous different classification systems for vocabulary learning strategies. Several common used are listed at the following. Gu and Johnson (1996) developed a classification of vocabulary learning strategies that are beliefs about vocabulary learning, metacognitive regulation, guessing strategies, dictionary strategies, note-taking strategies, memory strategies (rehearsal), memory strategies (encoding) and activation strategies. Schmitt (1997) took advantage of Rebecca Oxford’s (1990, p. 4) classification of learning strategies containing memory strategies, cognitive strategies, metacognitive strategies, and social strategies, and the Discover/Consolidation distinctions suggested by Cook and Mayer to propose an extensive taxonomy of vocabulary learning strategies. It can be divided into two classes. Five groups are included in these two classes. I. Strategies are used for the discovery of a new word’s meaning Determination stra tegies (DET): the strategies are used to discover a new word’s meaning without recourse to another’s expertise when learners don’t know a word.For instance, learners can use a dictionary, analyze any available pictures or gestures or guess meaning from textual context. Social strategies (SOC): the strategies are employed to ask someone who knows. Learners can ask teacher or classmates about information in a variety of ways, such as a synonym, paraphrase, or L1 translation of new word. II. Strategies are used for consolidating a word once it has been encountered Social strategies (SOC): they can also be employed to consolidate learned words by interacting with other people like studying and practicing meaning in a group.Memory strategies (MEM): the strategies (traditionally known as mnemonics) involve connecting the word to be retained with some previously learned knowledge, using some form of imagery, or grouping. A new word can be integrated into many kinds of existing knowledge (i. e. previous experiences or known words) or images can be custom-made for retrieval (i. e. images of the word’s form or meaning attributes). (1) Picture/imagery: Learners study new words with pictures of their meaning instead of definition. (2) Related words: New words can linked to L2 words that the student already knows.Usually this involves some type of sense relationship, such as coordination (blue – other kinds of color like red, purple or white), synonymy (beautiful-pretty), or antonym (dead-alive). (3) Unrelated words: Learners can also link words together that have no sense relationships. One way of doing this is with â€Å"peg† or â€Å"hook† words. One first memorizes a rhyme like â€Å"one is a bun, two is a shoe, three is a tree etc. † Then an image is created of the word to be remembered is chair, then an image is made of a bun (peg word) resting on a chair.Recitation of the rhyme draws up these images, which in t urn prompt the target words. (4) Grouping: It is an important way to aid recall, and people seem to organize words into groups naturally without prompting. (5) Word’s orthographical or phonological form: It involves focusing on the target word’s orthographical or phonological form to facilitate recall. One can explicitly study the spelling or pronunciation of a word. Other options are to visualize the orthographical form of a word in an attempt to remember it, or to make a mental representation of the sound of a word, perhaps making use of rhyming words.The Keyword Method entails a learner finding a L1 word which sounds like the target L2 word, i. e. the English word cat for the Japanese word katana (sword). Then an image combing the two concepts is created, such as a samurai cat waving a sword. When the L2 word is later heard, the sound similarity invokes the created image which prompts the L2 word’s meaning. (6) Other memory strategies: There are other useful ways of consolidating its meaning, such as analyzing a word’s affixes, root, and word class.One way of increasing one’s vocabulary is to analyze and learn the individual words of these chunks, and then use the whole chunk (if it is transparent enough) as a mnemonic device for remembering the individual word meanings. In addition, the use of physical action can also facilitate language recall. Cognitive strategies (COG): The strategies are similar to memory strategies, but are not focused so specifically on manipulative mental processing. They include repetition and using mechanical means to study vocabulary. Another kind of cognitive strategy is using study aids.Taking notes in class invites learners to create their own personal structure for newly learned words, and also offers the chance for additional exposure during review. Metacognitive strategies (MET): Students used the strategies to control and evaluate their learning, behaving an overview of the learning proce ss in general. Table 1 A Simple Taxonomy of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Vocabulary Learning Strategy (VLS)| 1. Strategies for the discovery of a new word’s meaning| 2. Strategies for consolidating a word once it has been encountered | Determination strategies (DET)| Social strategies (SOC)|Social strategies (SOC)| Memory strategies (MEM)| | Cognitive strategies (COG)| | Metacognitive strategies (MET)| Table 2 A Taxonomy of Vocabulary Learning Strategies (Schmitt, 1997, p. 207-8) Taxonomy of Schmitt’s Vocabulary Learning Strategies Strategy Group Strategies for discovering the meaning of a new word DET Analyze part of speech DET Analyze affixes and roots DET Check for L1 cognate DET Analyze any available pictures or gestures DET Guess from textual context DET Bilingual dictionary DET Monolingual dictionaries DET Word lists DET Flash cards SOC Ask teacher for L1 translationSOC Ask teacher for paraphrase or synonym of new word SOC Ask teacher for a sentence including t he new word SOC Ask classmates for meaning SOC Discover new meaning through group work activity Strategies for consolidating a word once it has been encountered SOC Study and practice meaning in a group SOC Teacher checks students’ flash cards word lists for accuracy SOC Interact with native-speakers MEM Study word with a pictorial representation of its meaning MEM Image word’s meaning MEM Connect word to a personal experience MEM Associate the word with its coordinatesMEM Connect the word to its synonyms and antonyms MEM Use semantic maps MEM Use ‘scales’ for gradable adjectives MEM Peg Method MEM Loci Method MEM Group words together to study them MEM Group words together spatially on a page MEM Use new word in sentences MEM Group words together within a storyline MEM Study the spelling of a word MEM Study the sound of a word Table 2 (continued) MEM Say new word aloud when studying MEM Image word form MEM Underline initial letter of the word MEM Configura tion MEM Use Key word Method MEM Affixes and roots MEM Part of speech MEM Paraphrase the word’s meaningMEM Use cognates in study MEM Learn the words of idiom together MEM Use physical action when learning a word MEM Use semantic feature grids COG Verbal repetition COG Written repetition COG Word lists COG Flash cards COG Take notes in class COG Use the vocabulary section in your textbook COG Listen to tape of word lists COG Put English labels on physical objects COG Keep a vocabulary note book MET Use English-language media (songs, movies, newscast, etc. ) MET Testing oneself with word tests MET Use spaced word practice MET Skip or pass new word MET Continue to study over time Public Speaking Public Speaking OUTLINE FOR SPEAKING TO INFORM (SPEECHES ABOUT CONCEPTS) NAME| 😠 ZULAIKHA BINTI AHMAD ABDULLAH| SUBJECT – SUBJECT CODE| 😠 PUBLIC SPEAKING – UBE 2023| SEMESTER| 😠 4. 0| SESSION| 😠 2012/2013(2)| KULLIYYAH| 😠 KULLIYYAH SYARIAH & UNDANG-UNDANG| TITLE| 😠 HEALTHY AND ACTIVE LIFESTYLE| PROGRAMME STRUCTURE / GROUP| 😠 ISMSY_SYA 7| OUTLINE FOR SPEAKING TO INFORM * Topic: Healthy and active lifestyle. * General purpose: To inform (speech about concepts). * Specific purpose: To inform my audient about healthy and active lifestyle. Central idea: There are three ways to be healthy and active lifestyle are take balance meal, sleep enough every day and importance of exercise to make human healthy and more active. Introduction I. The goal of my speech is to inform you about healthy and active lifestyle . Most of us hardly think healthy and active lifestyle is very importance but do we in healthy and active lifestyle. The definition of hea lthy and active lifestyle from oxford dictionaries healthy is in a good physical or mental condition, active meaning engaging or ready to engage in physically energetic pursuits and lifestyle is the way in which a person lives. II.A healthy lifestyle leaves you fit, energetic and reduced risk for disease, based on the choices you make about your daily habits. III. Developing a healthy lifestyle for children as early as possible is important, but it is never too late to make positive lifestyle changes. Good nutrition and plenty of physical activity can help prevent obesity and diabetes in children, as well provide a good foundation for muscle and bone development. Healthy children are more alert and have more energy. Healthy lifestyles for children start with the family, parents are role models and activities that families do together have a big impact on children.IV. Today I will introduce you to three ways to be healthy and active lifestyle are take balance meal, sleep enough every day and importance of exercise to make human healthy and more active. (Transition: Let’s start by looking at healthy and active lifestyle) Body I. Firstly, one big step to be healthy is taking a take balance meal. A. A healthy diet includes a variety of foods from the various food groups. A healthy diet includes at least 4. 5 cups of fruits and vegetables, 3 cups of dairy and 3 oz. of whole grains daily.Fish, poultry and vegetarian proteins should be eaten more often than red meat. Use unsaturated fats, such as olive or safflower oil, more than saturated fats for cooking, dressing and baking. A healthy diet also limits processed and fast foods high in added sugars, sodium and Tran’s fats. * ?†¦.. ? ? , ? )Al-Araf: 31) Translation from Al-Quran:   eat and drink but waste not by extravagance, certainly He (Allah) likes not  Al-Musrifun  (those who waste by extravagance). * We can refer the eating pyramided : B. A healthy diet can reduce risk for disea se. Following a healthy, balanced diet can help you to maintain a healthy weight, lower your cholesterol and reduce your risk for disease. Choose high fiber, lower fat foods and 5-10 servings of fruit and vegetables every day. Balance your daily meals with foods from the four food groups described in  Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating. * According to the latest study to investigate whether diet can reduce heart attack and  stroke  among those who are trying to avoid second or third events and are already taking medications to control blood pressure and  cholesterol.In the largest-ever of its kind, published in the journal  Circulation, a group of international researchers say  healthy eating  can have an added beneficial effect on the heart on top of the influence of heart-protecting medications. â€Å"We encourage everyone to eat healthy. But especially high-risk patients, we want them to know: Take your medication, but modify your diet as well,† says lead study author Mahshid Dehghan, a researcher at the Population Health Research Institute in Hamilton, ON, in  Canada, one of the centers involved in the study. Some people think that if medication lowers their blood pressure, healthy eating doesn’t matter. We want them to know that this is wrong,† she says C. Drink enough water is importance. Water is your body's principal chemical component and makes up about 60 percent of your body weight. Every system in your body depends on water. For example, water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues. * Everyone has heard the advice, â€Å"Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. † That is about 1. liters, which isn't that different from the Institute of Medicine recommendations. Although the â€Å"8 by 8† rule isn't supported by hard evidence, it remains popular because it's easy to remember. Just keep in mind that th e rule should be reframed as: â€Å"Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid a day,† because all fluids count toward the daily total. * Every day you lose water through your breath, perspiration, urine and bowel movements. For your body to function properly, you must replenish its water supply by consuming beverages and foods that contain water. So how much fluid does the average, healthy adult living in a temperate climate need? The Institute of Medicine determined that an adequate intake (AI) for men is roughly 3 liters (about 13 cups) of total beverages a day. The AI for women is 2. 2 liters (about 9 cups) of total beverages a day. (Transition: Let’s start by looking how much hours we need to sleep every night) II. Secondly, sleep enough every day. A. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends that most adults get about seven to eight hours of sleep each night. B.A good night's sleep can actually leave you feeling positive and upbeat. * In fact people wh o suffer from regular sleep disturbances are three times more likely to experience low mood compared to people who sleep well, according to the Great British Sleep Survey, conducted by Sleepier, an organization dedicated to helping people sleep better. C. Sleep can make human more energy and fresh our body and mind. * Example: We face a lot of pressure and sleep can realize our tension and depression. (Transition: Lastly, let’s start by looking the importance of exercise to our healthy)III. Thirdly, importance of exercise to our healthy and more active. A. Exercise can reduce excess fats and toxics. * Examples: Jogging, playing badminton, running, walking is example of exercise. B. Regular daily exercise accelerates the body's natural detoxification mechanisms. * Physical activity increases blood circulation throughout the body allowing important nutrients to effectively reach our cells, tissue, organs, and muscles. Lymph fluid (part of the immune system) will also circulate more efficiently increasing the body's ability to kill pathogens and remove toxins.C. Exercise flushes metabolic waste and other harmful substances from our cells, and vital organs are cleansed. * Toxins can then be eliminated through the various bodily pathways. * Exercise can fit our body and can get ideal weight. Conclusion I. As we have seen, our responsible to take care our healthy. II. Most importance and valuable are healthy and active lifestyle. III. If we rich in property but we are not health , there are no use anymore. We can be healthy and active lifestyle ,say yes we can.

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