Thursday, May 14, 2020

My Family Message My Parents - 927 Words

My Family Message I’ve never heard or witness my parents discriminating other cultural groups before. Although my parents’ wishes and wants my siblings and I to date and marry only Hmong indiduvals, the reason behind that, is because they want to be able to communicate with my siblings’ partner and mine. When my parents came to the United States, although they were treated well by others, they felt aliened because they weren’t able to communicate with other cultural groups because they didn’t speak or understand English, Spanish, and etc. So when my two older sisters got married to my Mexican brother-in-laws, my parents were hurt. They felt aliened once again because now they weren’t able to communicate to their own son-in-laws without the help of my sisters. After my sisters got married, both of my parents placed great emphasis on me dating only Hmong men since I was their last single daughter and because there is already a language barrier between my parents and I. When I started dating, my parents were really unsupportive of my relationships with my first and second boyfriends who were Caucasian and Mexican. This resulted in many lectures from my parents about the importance of dating Hmong men. In my family household, my parents gave my siblings and I chorus. My sisters and I were expected to do the cooking and the cleaning inside the house, whereas my brothers were expected to take out the trash and do the yard work. As for my parents, both of my parents work on theShow MoreRelatedEssay on Permissive Parenting1241 Words   |  5 Pagesway to get a serious message across to an audience that would not go looking for a serious topic in life. Public Service Announcements are usually broadcast on television and can reach a lot of people at one time. There can be a PSA about any important subject. Most Public Service Announcements are used to inform people about a serious problem or issue that is going on in the world. 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