Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Reforms in the Australian Education Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Choose any Industry and Discuss the reforms done or needed in that Industry. Answer: Introduction For this research essay, I would like to choose the education industry of Australia as a research industry. The Australian education industry is a fast growing industry in the world. Along with this, there can be seen continuous development in the education industry of the nation. The international education sector of nation improves the economic as well as social life of the people of nation. The education industry of Australia has grown enormously in recent years. Most of the scholars and students prefer to do their studies into the Australian schools, universities, and institutions. The numbers of students are increasing on the regular basis. The government of the nation develops effective programs and strategies for the growth and expansion of the Australian education industry all over the world. Moreover, the government focuses on the recent trends that are essential for the fast growth of the industry. In the same manner, this research essay would be advantageous to demonstrate the reforms or trends that have done within the Australian education industry. Furthermore, this essay would also be valuable to recommend some reforms or trends that can be beneficial for the future growth as well as success of the education industry of Australia. Reforms in the Australian Education Industry Australia adopts and implements a flexible as well as highly developed education system. The education system of Australia produces an inventive and creative workforce across the nation. Along with this, the key area of growth of the Australian education industry is to give education services to overseas students mainly. Moreover, the education industry plays a major role in the growth of the tourism industry of nation (Noonan and Pilcher, 2015). According to the ABS data, the education industry of Australia alone generates $17.6 billion as revenues. It is expected that the revenues will expand around $20 billion by 2020. Furthermore, statistics show that there is continuing prospective for the growth of the Australian education industry. The below graph is useful to portray a regular increase in the numbers of students only in education industry of Australia. On the other hand, there are numerous reforms/trends/changes behind the growth of the Australian education industry. The major reform that has occurred within the industry is the adoption and implementation of VET (Vocational Education and Training) system. With the help of this, the government wants to develop skills and provide training that is essential for the overall development of the students (Billett, 2004). Moreover, the key objective behind this system is to make the student strong both personally and professionally. This is considered the biggest reform within the industry. It is because of this reform not only creates career growth opportunities for students; but also improves the economy and prosperity of nation in an effective and an appropriate manner. In addition to this, the other major reform that has done by the government is related to fee structure to encourage more and more students towards education. According to this reform, there can be seen a fee deregulation to promote higher education within nation. In the budget of May, the government stated that it would deregulate college fees and would reduce university course funding by twenty percent only to expand funding to private colleges and students as well (Aspland, 2006). With the help of this reform, students who are suffering from poverty and unable to pay their fees would be able to get higher education. Consequently, it can be seen a major reform within the Australian education industry. In the same manner, the implementation of digital technologies can also be seen another major reform in the education industry of Australia. It is because of the digital technologies reduces the costs to the students. Now, they can join distance education or distance learning programs to complete their studies at any place. Along with this, with the help of the internet and technologies, employed people can do their studies continuously. They do not to join schools, colleges, and universities to complete their education (Caldwell, 2011). Moreover, people who are suffering from poverty can do jobs with their education. As a consequence, this can be considered a radical and innovative reform within the education industry of Australia. On the other hand, the Australian education industry timely implements innovative business models for the growth and expansion of the industry at the global level. It emphasizes on the concept of global mobility to create opportunities for students and academics. Moreover, the integration of education industry with other industries is another major reform of the Australian education industry. With the help of this integration, students will get suitable jobs after the completion of their studies (Daley, 2012). So, the education industry of Australia fully dedicated towards its local and international students. It adopts and implements new trends or reforms for the career growth of the scholars. The main motive of the Australian education industry is to make students strong in all the areas of their lives. Apart from this, there are some major reforms that are still required within the industry. For case, the major reform is related to the visa application process of students. The government of nation should make this process very simple; so students can get higher education properly. Moreover, the government of nation should provide scholarships to financial weak students; so they may fulfill their dreams related to the education (Noonan and Pilcher, 2015). In this way, these reforms would be able to fulfill the goals and objectives of students that are related to the higher education properly. Conclusion On the basis of the above discussion, it can be assumed that, the Australian education industry is more dynamic and innovation as compare to other industries. The education sector of nation is fully helpful to capture the growth opportunities related to career. Along with this, it is also observed that, the Australian education industry is fully aware about the recent trends that take place around the world. The industry implements these trends for the growth and expansion of the industry in the international marketplace. Finally, the Australian education industry can be considered fast emergent industry in the world References Aspland, T. (2006). Changing patterns of teacher education in Australia. Education Research and Perspectives, 33(2), pp.140-163. Billett, S. (2004). From your business to our business: Industry and vocational education in Australia. Oxford review of education, 30(1), pp.13-35. Caldwell, B.J. (2011). Educational Reform and Change in Australia. Available At: https://www.eduhk.hk/apclc/roundtable2011/paper/Brian%20J.Caldwell.pdf [Accessed On: 2nd May, 2017] Daley, J. (2012). THE GAME-CHANGERS. Entrepreneur-Irvine, pp.1-76. Noonan, P. and Pilcher, S. (2015). Financing tertiary education in Australia-the reform imperative and rethinking student entitlements: Issues paper. Available At: https://vuir.vu.edu.au/27402/1/Financing-tertiary-education-in-Australia-the-reform-imperative-and-rethinking-student-entitlements-issues-paper_20150225.pdf [Accessed On: 2nd May, 2017]

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